The neurodevelopmental condition known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, can impact the brain regions in charge of motivation, planning, and other functions. Even while there is treatment for this disease, choosing the best provider for you may seem overwhelming or scary. We’ll go over the basics of ADHD treatment here, including how to locate a physician that can deliver it.

Knowing When to Look for ADHD Signs

The first step in getting treatment for ADHD, if you haven’t previously been given a diagnosis, is typically realizing the symptoms in yourself and making the decision to find a professional who can assist. It can be helpful to learn about some of the main ways that ADHD can present itself in order to accomplish this.

Three main forms of ADHD presentations exist: hyperactive/impulsive, predominantly inattentive, or a combination of both. The following are some typical signs of ADHD that are mostly hyperactive/impulsive:

blurring stuff out carelessly

Taking unnecessary chances

Having trouble staying still

Having fits of rage

Having trouble exercising patience

talking too much or cutting other people off

Among the typical signs of predominantly inattentive ADHD are:

Finding it difficult to focus, particularly on boring jobs

Often losing or forgetting stuff

making “careless” errors at business or in the classroom

Having trouble following instructions

Being preoccupied, even when speaking

Having trouble keeping track of time

Signs from the two lists above may be present in those with the mixed appearance. Remember that each individual may experience ADHD symptoms differently, and that they can also vary in intensity.

Potential course of treatment for ADHD

Despite the fact that ADHD is typically seen as a lifelong disorder, symptoms can frequently be controlled with a combination of therapies. Usually, a clinical diagnosis is required before you may begin treatment. In order to assess how your brain works, a doctor or mental health expert may give tests, interviews, or other procedures.

Several therapy options could be suggested to you after a diagnosis. Therapy is frequently advised, occasionally in addition to medicine. The following are a few forms of therapy that could be beneficial for controlling ADHD symptoms and enhancing general wellbeing:

The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to change maladaptive thought processes.

The goal of occupational therapy is to enhance day-to-day functioning at home, at work, or in school.

Which practitioners handle ADHD?

It can be useful to know what kind of support you’re looking for, whether you’ve noticed symptoms of ADHD and are interested in receiving a diagnosis and treatment recommendations or you’ve already received a diagnosis and are searching for a treatment provider. Let’s look at some of the most popular forms of treatment that are provided by various specialists.


Medical professionals that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases are known as psychiatrists. They are qualified to both diagnose and prescribe ADHD medications. A psychiatrist might also be very important in creating a successful treatment strategy for you.


People with mental health issues might receive emotional and psychological help from therapists. They might also impart methods for dispelling negative ideas and coping mechanisms for handling uncomfortable feelings and sensations.

How can I locate local ADHD doctors?

It can be intimidating to find an ADHD expert at times. The following list of tactics is not all-inclusive, but it might get you started.

Get a recommendation from your primary care physician.

Your primary care physician can often recommend you to therapists or psychiatrists, so even if they are not specialists in ADHD, they can still be able to assist you in beginning treatment. If managing prescription refills for ADHD medication is a part of your treatment plan, your primary care physician could also be able to help.

Consult your insurance provider.

If you are covered by health insurance, your insurance provider may provide you with tools to locate an ADHD expert in your region who is in network. A lot of insurance companies offer specialty-based listings of covered providers. Even while these might be helpful resources, before scheduling an appointment, you might want to check coverage by giving your insurance company or the provider a call.

Utilize the resources that are available locally.

Social workers are frequently on duty at community mental health centers to offer consultation, instruction, and support. They might also assist people in making connections with mental health providers so they can receive diagnosis and treatment. Local meetups and support groups for ADHD may also be a good place to find suggestions for local providers.

Think about internet counseling

As has already established, therapy is frequently essential to managing ADHD. You can improve your social connections, manage stress, and build coping mechanisms by working with a therapist. Therapy can be a crucial component of treating and managing ADHD symptoms since people with this disorder may also be more susceptible to other mental health conditions.Finding a therapist that specializes in ADHD may not always be simple or covered by your insurance, depending on where you reside. Online therapy can be something to think about if you’re having trouble finding a counselor in your region or if you just want to communicate with a therapist from the comfort of your home. For less money than most insurance copays, you may use a platform like BetterHelp to connect with a qualified therapist for virtual sessions.